Terms and Conditions

1. Booking

If the vacation is arranged directly with bangkokbynight.com and pattayagayholidays.com (the Company) all correspondence will be sent to the customer at the address specified.

2. Payment/Deposit

1. Initial Deposit of 20% is due on confirmation of booking.

Note: All Deposit payments are non-refundable.

2. Balance due as per the terms of the payment plan on your accepted itinerary or 8 weeks prior to arrival date as specified in the accepted itinerary (which ever is earlier).

3. Any Credit Card or Debit Payment will carry a 3% surcharge.

A deposit must be paid on completion of booking, or the full amount, if the booking is made within 8 weeks of arrival date. The booking is not accepted until the date shown on the confirmation invoice as issued by the Company per section 3 below. Alteration or cancellation by a customer of an accepted booking will be subject to the provisions or sections 4 and 5 of these conditions.

3. Invoice

The Company will send confirmation when appropriate deposits have been paid. If the booking is within 8 weeks of arrival date, full payment is due.

All outstanding amounts must be paid in accordance with the payment plan, and final payment must be made a minimum of 8 weeks before arrival date as specified in the accepted itinerary.

4. Changes by The Customer

The effective date of change is the date that the Company is advised. If you decide to alter any details after your booking has been accepted by the Company, providing we are informed not later than 6 weeks prior to arrival these will be treated as a change and 25USD administration fee per booking will be charged in addition to the incremental costs of the modification, if the modifications can be accommodated. However, any changes to a passenger name originally shown in the booking or any alteration requested within 6 weeks of arrival may be treated as a cancellation.

5. Cancellation by The Customer

If the customer does not make interim deposits or pay the balance of the holiday price in accordance with the payment plan, the Company reserves the right, after due notice to the customer or the agent as appropriate, to cancel the booking . In this event, the deposit will be forfeited and a cancellation charge may be due.

If the customer cancels after the booking is accepted, the effective date of change is the date that the Company is advised. Additionally, the following cancellation charges will be payable by the customer.

More than 60 days prior to arrival date - All Deposit Payments

60 days or less  prior to arrival date - 100% of Booking

6. Our Price Guarantee

The Company reserve the right to increase or decrease our prices at any time provided the changes relate to currency fluctuations. If you accept the price of your holiday as quoted at the time of booking and pay the full amount on receipt of our confirmation invoice, your holiday price will be totally guaranteed against further price rises. If you do not want to take advantage of this scheme you may pay the deposit and your final confirmation invoice may reflect any necessary price increase or decrease as a result of currency or fuel price fluctuations. The tour is priced at the exchange rate shown on your proposal. Due to the volatile nature of the exchange rate, any fluctuation exceeding +/-1% of this rate on the date of payments using the rates shown on www.oanda.com will result in a corresponding adjustment in price (up or down), which will be applied to the final payment.

7. Changes/Cancellation by The Company

Whenever possible all changes will be advised to you and your local agents without delay. Should these changes be minor, you will be offered a comparable alternative.

It is unlikely that the Company will have to make changes to your holiday booking details but arrangements are made many months in advance and changes sometime become necessary. Usually any change is made as a result of us becoming dissatisfied with the service provided by a supplier such as a hotel property or accommodation and thus the change is made to maintain the quality of holiday at the best possible level. 

8. The Company’s Liability

The Company will provide your travel arrangements in accordance with the contract and accepts responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the Company’s employees. We are liable to you for any damage caused to you by the failure to perform or improper performance of any of our obligations under the Conditions except where failure or improper performance is attributable to (a) You; (b) a third party unconnected with the Itinerary, which are unforeseeable or unavoidable; or (c) unusual and unforeseeable circumstances being beyond our control, the consequence of which could not have been avoided, foreseen or forestalled, even if all due care had been exercised.

The Company will of course give all reasonable help in resolving any dispute with independent parties. Should the circumstances arise where you or any member of your party should suffer personal injury, illness, or death whilst away and having arisen from a situation unconnected with the arrangements made by the Company, we will at our discretion offer advice, guidance and assistance.

9. Force Majeure

The Company accepts no responsibility for and shall not be liable in respect of loss or damage or changes caused by force majeure health risks or events such as strikes, riots, political unrest, war hostilities, or threat of war, Government restraints, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, fire, flood, weather problems or similar events beyond its control.

The Company accepts no resposibility for expense to personal property due to act or default of any hotel, carrier or any other company or person providing or rendering of the Itinerary.

10. Brochure Description

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of descriptions and information. However, we are not always able to control all components of the holiday arrangements and it is possible that an advertised facility may be withdrawn or changed. due to weather conditions, lack of demand or for maintenance, renovations etc. We will advise you if we become aware of a major change.

11. Travel Insurance

We strongly recommend any persons wishing to travel, to arrange Travel Insurance independently. Travel insurance should be purchased in the country of your main residence and many companies can be found through an internet search. For those travelling from the United States, there is the US Travel Insurance Association which lists numerous member companies www.ustia.org

Your Travel Insurance should cover the whole time you are away and we suggest should include a minimum of the following:

CANCELLATION OR CURTAILMENT COVER: A number of situations may cause you to call off your trip or cut it short. This may be for a number of reasons including the following:

       Traffic accident prior to trip

       Required to work, terminated, or transferred

       An epidemic or pandemic disease

       Terrorism or mandatory evacuation at destination

       Injury or illness of insured, travel companion, family member, or business partner

       Hurricane or natural disaster strikes destination

       Home or business damaged, vandalised, or burglarised

       Jury duty or military redeployment

       Victim of felonious assault prior to trip

       Theft of passport or visa prior to trip

MEDICAL AND HEALTH COVER: Medical and Health Cover for an injury or sudden illness abroad, 24 hour emergency service and assistance, personal liability cover in case you are sued for causing injury or damaging property, lost and stolen possessions cover, extra cover for hazardous activities that are commonly excluded from standard policies.

LUGGAGE: Reimbursement for lost, stolen or damaged luggage and belongings throughout your trip along with travel assistance to replace lost or stolen prescriptions, passports, visas or other important travel documents.

DELAYS: Coverage for trip delay and baggage delay, providing reimbursement for unplanned hotel expenses, meals, clothing and transportation costs.

IMPORTANT: Always ensure that your policy refunds the full cost of your holiday and that your policy includes ‘Cancel-For-Any-Reason’ cover. It must pay out if you need to cancel or cut short a trip. Your policy should also cover any pre-paid expenses such as excursions. Also, it is common practice for insurance providers to only accept applications within a few days of making a reservation and paying the deposit for a schedule. It is therefore recommended that insurance should be taken early in the booking process.

12. If You Have a Complaint

Should you have any complaint you are urged to discuss it at the time with the hotel or car rental company if applicable. If your complaint is not resolved please notify bangkokbynight.com or pattayagayholidays.com as soon as possible, giving your reference number, we will then do our utmost to resolve the problem. If this proves unsatisfactory, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators have devised a simple inexpensive method of arbitration on documents along with restricted liability for costs. This does not apply to claims over $1500 per person or $7,500 per booking or those which are solely or mainly for physical injury or illness.